About me

My name is Yukun Yu. Currently, I am a second-year master student at Aalto University, majoring in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics. I am energetic, optimistic, outgoing and eager to learn state-of-the-art technology in robotics. Although my major is mechanics, interests stimulate to learn more relevant technologies in the field of automation engineering.

Additionally, during my two-year studies, I was fortunately selected to be one of exchange student to be eligible to study at school of design and engineering, TUM. My interests are located in Robotics, and Mechatronics. Now, I am working on my master thesis at Robot Learning Group, Department of Automation and Electrical Engineering:

dynamic motion planning to avoid collision with human for a mobile robot

I have completed several projects spanning from Automation Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. More details should be found in blocks of projects:

AviGuardX, drone detection with neural network to avoid collision with plane

Development of one part of directed acyclic graph(DAG) at Computational Mechanics, TUM

Incursion of probability distribution of Road surface in the short & long term

Tissue type classification based on microarray gene expression profile

Using sqlalchemy and pandas to analyse weather data from Finnish Meteorological Institute

NCPC 2021 Competitive Programming

Projects in self-driving cars specialization including four projects simple control, state estimation and localization, motion planning

"Exops-m2" smart robot development and research project of joint angle calculation using Xsens

Tianwan Damaged Fuel Sealing Bottle Localization as an mechanical design program

ASME Nuclear Forensics at Shanghai Apollo Machinery Co., Ltd

Development of converter cooling system and gearbox cooling filtering system used in wind power products

Construction of a new wave simulation teaching experiment platform

Intelligent two-wheeled balancing car

After one project is completed, I would be willing to make a conclusion to overcome drawbacks and collect what points I could do better or how to continuously improve the performance. Due to those experiences, I would also acquire many experiences, for example, data analysis in “Databases” and “machine learning with python”, 3D modelling in “ASME Nuclear Forensics”, “mechanical design program”, as well as “wind power products” in Solidworks, or reverse engineering using Imageware and Geomagic, Modelling (AI) & Estimation in “gene expression profile analysis”, “AviGuardX”. It is these experiences that help me strengthen my reasonable ability, programming skills or writing skills.

In “AviGuardX”, I use Pytorch to generate the model and use python to deal with problems. Additionally, In “DAG development”, “NCPC 2021”, and “Intelligent balancing car”, C/C++ would be used to program. In “Expos-m2” and “Incursion of probability distribution”, Matlab would be used as programming language to compute the result.

Additionally, I also committed to learn language to be a bilingualist(English and German), since I am an native speaker of Chinese. In Aalto, I also learned Swedish as my fourth language although it is, as an beginning, not deeply involved, and I felt comfortable when it expands my knowledge furthermore.